Who had watched this k-drama put your hands up!
Right...one of the best I tell ya... for me,its even better than all time fav,Boys Over Flower..
After watching this,I started to think that most of naive-clueless girl easily fell in love with Junpyo/TaeKyung type of boys.Aigoo,is it true?
and for Jihoo/Shin Woo type of guy.. Is it ''bachelor till the end''? please tell me it isnt true T__T
I really fell in love with the characteristic of Go Mi Nyu (not the actress,Park Shin Hye,I mean it).She is the type of girl i've been looking for.But I dont think it's easy to find.sigh -___-
Anyway,better watch it! A.N.Jell hwaiting!
ps-Im gonna kill ya TaeKyung,and take away Go Min Nyu from you! HAHA
cter ni mmg besh!!
kte dh tgk 2 kali...ahaha
minat jugak citer korea er?
jrg jmpa org laki mnt ctr korea .
rase clp tjuk .
bkn tjuk nye 'He's beautiful' ?
sory kalau salah !
eh xde la aku suke je shin woo.hensem.hahaha
fye,mmg best! tgk straight 2 hari smpai abis!
nor aqilah,ade 2 tajuk,. he's beautiful pun ye.. :D
lia,sep sep! haha
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