LOL,I manage to put so much 'load' on Oh! Media till they can't support the 'tension' anymore!
Okey,the story started when Umar Hakim (my friend in Uitm) post a note from Oh! Islam FB page.The note stated that it is HARAM for muslim to celebrate Mother's day,and they put the reasons why.
So,we're just have some small debate.I said that it is not wrong.If we didn't take it religiously,I don't think it's wrong.Even in CTU,we learned that Islamic civilization are flexible when it comes to good things from other civilization.We can take some of them as long as it didn't contrast with aqidah and syarak.BUT! Im not saying that my words are true.Lets Allah decide's whether our action is wrong or right.
But later on,Oh! Media,which is under one roof with Oh! Islam post this on their wall...
click to enlarge.. and see my comment there
And SUDDENLY! they posted this...
and,I also commented something like this..
''Kali ni Oh! media kena tibai habis-habis.Selalu dorang je tibai org.Huho best best''
And finally,they answered something like this..
''Kami post apa yg kami rasa benar....''and bla bla bla
At the end,they banned me from their page! hooray! >_< what a success!
For those who doesn't know,Oh! Media is one of the best internet based money making company in Malaysia.Their blog have so many followers and their FB page have more than 200,000 likers!
They always have interesting story to share with Malaysians.But when it comes to things like this.I don't know what else to say.
And those comments,we really don't know who is right and who is wrong.Some of the comments..
''Niat xmenghalalkan cara.Contohnya minum arak niat utk hilangkan dahaga.Adakah itu halal?'' (nawwaitu still doesn't make haram turns to halal)
''Tak salah smbut klau diterapkan nilai2 keislaman..''
Whether Mother's day can be celebrate by muslims or not,I really don't have the right to say anything.
Aku pun bukannya pandai sgt bidang hukum-hakam ni.Sometimes,the best thing to do is to keep silent :)
But what I know now is that ''Oh! Oh!'' should stop posting things like this,that will make their followers confuse.Next time,please be considerate.
hari ibu hari hari
hari hari hari ibu.
ustaz yang ckp gitu.^
kenapa sambut hari ibu?
sebab hari hari hari ibu.
kalo hari ibu sehari (yg disambut)
hari laen hari apa?
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