Sunday, December 4, 2011
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
I've got tagged :D
Ohmoo tagged by Najwa Ameer.So this is the answers for the questions :D
Who is your best teacher you ever had?
Hmm.. All teacher that called me Awie ! hoho.. sbb xramai cgu pgil 'Awie' time skolah.Bnyk pggil Asnawi.Yg btul2 rapat je pggil Awie.
Do you have your own fashion? What is it?
Nahh i dont really know about fashion.Jarang shopping baju,tp klau tertarik dgn satu2 baju,seluar etc,sure direct beli xD
What is your favorite number?
29 ! I was born on 29.2.92.. masuk paper cina kott time baby dulu..hoho, xcaya tye mak
What song did you hear just now?
The brilliant green-Ash like snow.Lagu Jepun.J-rock.Try la dgr :D
Do you like cat?
Yup.Suka.Tp xleh bela sbb athma T_T
Why do you make this blog?
What is your ideal home like?
Kim Joo Won's house ! g tgk Secret Garden !
At what age do you want to get married?
hmm.. 28 maybe
Single or taken?
Single (poreber alone..haha)
Tell us what do you love about yourself.
I can do almost everything that I love to do.With hardwork and strong interest for sure >_<
Comment about me, thank you :)
Sorry,I don't really know you T_T.But I know that you're a nice person :D
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Thursday, November 17, 2011
Behind the scenes.
Long time no see haa peeps.Sorry la mood aku smua dah drain habis.SO topic for today is about music.You don't like it then don't read.Go watch something else. -,-
Recently aku siapkn lagu baru,Love Experiment.But demo ver only ya. Bukan btul2,sbb aku nk tau kat mana kelemahan lagu tu. Apa kurangnya,apa yg kne dibaiki. SO,i decided to put the song in some group in Fb.Hasilnya........ *krik krik krik (sfx cengkerik)*
Xde komen.Xde response.Yg response pun kwn2 yg dah mmg aku send lgu tu..
Ouch that hurts.
Xpela nk buat mcm mne,maybe smua bz dgn hidup masing2.Xpun alasan biasa ''internet slow la''.. xpun ''tak perasan pun'' T_T huhuhh
Bukanlah tujuan aku letak tu nk tb (tunjuk bakat) ke apa. Aku just nk komen ikhlas. Kutuk la aku ganas2 aku xkesah. Sengau ke. Ala2 max247 ke. Asalkn aku bole improve lagu tu. Then xkn la smpai aku nk kne send setiap sorang lagu tu '' eh dgr la lagu ni ye,baru buat nii,penat i buat tau tau''. Sape lg nk aku mntak tolong klau bukan kwn2 sndiri ye x?
Maybe ada yg anggap poyo g promote lagu sndiri. So aku tnya korang balik, ada ke org pergi muzium seni dan tanya ''eh Leonardo da Vinci ni poyo la, tunjuk bakat ler tu dok promote lukisan sndiri kat muzium'' ade ke org tya mcm tu? -,-
Ok,aku sbnrnya faham scenario yg berlaku. It is always hard for people to accept something new and weird. For example, lagu Najwa Latif-Cinta muka buku,jd femes.Then ble ada org buat putus di Twitter ttbe kecoh sekampung Facebook lagu tu.Kalau la xde lagu cinta muka buku korang rasa lgu putus di Twitter tu ade ke org nk dgr?
So,what really did people like to hear? mereka suka apa yg org lain suka dan mereka suka apa yg sudah tersedia mereka suka.
Aku tya korang lg, kenal Sam Tsui? nape dy femes? sbb cover lagu2 yg dah femes. Tp org suka dy. Jujur la aku xrespect lgsung.
Korang rasa la klau2 dy buat lagu sndiri semata2, xde cover lagu org, boleh ke dy femes secepat itu? NOPE xkn la. Bagi aku yg setakat dok cover lagu org kat Youtube tu, tu namanye tumpang populariti.
U think composing a song is easy? setiap mlm tido kul 2-3 pagi. Sakit tlinga dok ulang button Play.Mandi pon jadi lama sbb nk cari ilham ! ngeh ngeh. Seronok sgt ke jd composer? org xkenal pun ko. Bpe ramai org dlm dunia ni yg dgr lagu kat radio then tya ''eh sapa compose lgu ni eh?''.. bpe ramai pulak yg dgr lagu then tanya ''eh sapa nyanyi lagu ni?''
cuba korang try berfikir sejenak, lagu tu sedap sbb composer ke sbb pnyanyi? Lagu yg dah mmg dicompose sedap, bagi la sape2 yg ada suara,yg ada bakat mnyanyi,still sdap jadinya ! sbb tu belambak org boleh cover lagu kat Youtube. Takkan la korang xpenah terfikir.
It's sad when nowadays org xpndg kreativiti, tp innovative lg sng mndapat tempat. Aku xkata aku ni pro sgt buat lagu. Aku xkata aku ni kreatif sgt. Aku masih mentah dlm bidang ni.Tp aku nk state kat sini apa yg aku nmpk, and its a fact.
alang2 klau korang dah terbaca smpai sini,harap dgr then KUTUK sepuas2nya lgu atas tu.. aku nk improve. IMPROVE !
Art and Interest,
Truth in Life
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
Aku skang kat KL.Dah sminggu kat sini.Duk rmh parents.Tp kali ni kehadiran aku kat sini bukan mcm dulu2,dtg nk have fun.Jalan2 sini sana.Kali ni dtg dgn tugas, tanggungjawab yg diamanahkan kpd aku sbg abang sulung, utk mnjaga ayah aku kat hospital.
Ayah aku ada sakit jantung.And operation utk gantikan stand salur jantung.Sedih.Anak mana xsedih kalau ayah sendiri sakit.Tp tu kuasa tuhan.Dia yg merancang.Kte kne redha dgn ketentuan illahi.
Hospital satu tempat yg, walau bagaimana cantik pun design dalaman hospital tu,atau betapa ramainya awek nurse yg cun2 kat situ, ia ttp mmberi impak kesayuan. Logiklah kan, bila kte tgk kiri kanan org sakit. Pakcik makcik terlantar.
Lg mnyedihkan, masa aku teman ayah aku dlm wad ICU,btul2 sblh katil ayah aku tu, ada (allahyarham) seorang pakcik lingkungan usia 50 tahun sedang nazak. Anak2 dy berkumpul baca Yaasiin. Aku smpat intai skrin condition jantung. Mmg dah critical. Aku turun skjap tunaikn solat maghrib, bila aku naik balik kat wad ayah aku,pakcik sblh dah mninggal.
Anak2 dy mnangis. Mak ayah aku pun mcm dah bergenang air mata. Masa tu ayah aku masih lg tgh baring, baru lepas operation.
Cuba la korang bygkn klau korang berada di tempat ayah aku tu. Mndengar berita kematian dari sblh katil je. Sedangkn diri sendiri pun sdg sakit.
Duduk sblh katil ayah aku,termenung.Tu jela yg boleh aku buat.Sementara mnunggu masa melawat tamat..
2 hari kemudiannya,ayah aku discharged dari hospital. Alhamdulillah, dy sehat, xde sbrg masalah. Skarang dy tgh cuti. Dlm 2 minggu xsilap aku. Kos operation ni lebih kurang dlm rm30,000. Mujurlah maybank, majikan ayah aku taja.
Tp kalau ayah aku pencen nnt mcm mana? sbb tu aku nekad nk dptkan kerja kerajaan.Biarlah org kata gaji sikit,janji dapat tanggung kos perubatan parents.
Akhir kata aku harap korang dpt doakan kesihatan ayah aku, and sayangilah parents korang sementara Allah masih mmberi nikmat beribu dan berbapa seperti sekarang.
Sunday, October 2, 2011
Let it rain,let it rain
Hujan pulak mlm ni.Menaikkan mood aku utk menulis kat sini.
nk story pasal something yg agak mngecewakan aku,which is DIE-NAMIK or lebih dikenali sbg Dynamic:The study of Motion in Engineering (btul ke ni? aku main letak ikut sdp je..=_=)
Basicly,subjek ni mcm korang blajar fizik SPM dulu,tp lebih mendalam.LEBIH mndalam. Sgt mnguji logik akal,and sgt mnguji keimanan korang bila tgk contoh faham,tgk soalan xde idea nk buat apa.
Aku baru lepas exam paper ni,Isnin lepas.Dua hari sebelum tu start study.1st day study ringan2.The other day tu start dari pagi la gak,break jap dlm kul 3ptg sbb g open house rmh lecturer.Then mlm smbung.
Time mlm tu,aku selak-selak buku dynamic,dup dap dup dap jntung nih.Bila tgk yg ni xfaham,yg tu pun xfaham.Buku tebal lg nk study.Yg dah faham pun,bila tgk contoh soalan,xde idea nk jwb apa.Masalahnya bukan xcukup masa nk study,tp mmg dah xdpt nk faham.Cramp abis otak aku time tu.Sigh.
So aku tutup buku,call parents kat KL.Mak aku agak pelik la gak sbb slalu klau aku call pun xde time mlm mcm tu.Direct aku bgtau aku xleh nk study.Then mak aku suruh take a break,tgk anime,manga utk rehatkan minda .Dy bagi smgt,ckp aku boleh buat.Tp hakikatnya aku tahu aku xboleh.
Then ttbe aku rse sebak,so menangis jugak la mlm tu..huhuhh.. tp aku cover suara,xnk la parents aku dgr (xmacho la cmni,hoho xD).Habis basah bantal aku dgn air mata.. huhuhh..
Pastu abah aku pulak ckp dgn aku,apa yg dy tya aku just jwb ''erm2''.. dah xle nk bersuara dh time tu.Nasib baik pulak Manok,Mazu,Zaim,Wak dgn Is xkluar dari bilik,klau tak segan owh >_<
Then aku g amik air smbhyg,solat isya,and baca AlQuran.Aku selak kat page yg zaim tnda.Baca dlm 1 page.Bila baca terjemahan dy,terus hilang rasa sebak.Dlm bnyk2 page,page yg aku baca tu kebetulan ada sebut pasal dugaan dlm hidup.Ayat yg last dlm page tu.So aku terima bnda ni sbg dugaan aku.Benda yg aku kena tempuh.
Esoknya,time jwb.Ermm mmg as expected la. Mmg susah. 1st question jela klau nk dpt markah pun.Yg lain ntah betul ntah idak.2 soalan last dah mmg terasa hilang markah.Aigoo.
Bnda dah berlaku.Mls aku nk fikir lg dah (LOL apsal tulis gak pasal ni? =_='')
Just aku harap korang boleh doakan aku lulus subjek ni.
Kalau ditakdirkan fail,aku cuba terima dgn tabah.InsyaAllah.
Saturday, September 17, 2011
Erti handphone bagi orang bujang
Haa,ni reality nk story.Pasal handphone utk org bujang.Ngeh3.
So,apa function handfon org bujang a.k.a single? actually mcm xde function sgt.Ni nk review sikit bberapa perbezaan kegunaan dan penggunaan handfon antara yg single and yg sdg couple.
1st of all,pasal calling.Org couple kejap2 je ada org call.Then bergayut lama-lama,agak2 smpai nk patah dahan,baru berhenti.Kalau single? call yg masuk mstilah ''eh awi,sok ko pegi kelas x?'' xpun ''assignment siap? aku nk pinjam''. Klau yg bergayut lama sikit smbil tersenyum tu,jgn salah sngka dah ada awek,sbb tgh smbang dgn family :D
2nd,pasal msg.Klau org couple2 ni,lat 2-3 minit ''tett tett'' msg masuk.Dari ''goodmorning'' smpailah ''goodnight''.Tu pun xhabis lagi,ada pulak ''syg,I xleh tido la mlm ni,teringat youu'',cewah2 seweet nyeww. Mcm mana dgn org bujang? ''tett tett'' bunyi msg.Perhh excited.Siapakah gerangan yg msg ni? Tp bila tgk msg ''i miss you'' ,mms dari maxis.Not bad,still ada yg ''winduu'' kita what xD
3rd,pasal prepaid.Klau org bujang,korang tibailah prepaid dorang bnyk2.Dorang xkn kesah pnyelah.Dorang nk buat ape pun prepaid bnyk2? Nnt lama2 expired gak,kan rugi tu? klau nk call,call family kat kampung. So xla bnyk sgt guna ppaid mcm org couple kan kan.Silap haribulan,klau korang mntak share top up secara free pun dorang xkesa ^_^
4th,pasal bateri handphone.Kalau org couple,bateri cenderung habis sbb calling.Kalau org bujang lak? bateri handfon digunakan utk main game java,dgr mp3,mp4,online internet dan sbgnya.And sbg org bujang,honestly klau bateri handfon aku habis.Nk cas pun rasa mls.Sbb xbrape functional sgt.So maaf lah klau msg or call xdpt.Tau tau tau :P
klau korang ada lg nk tmbh,bgtau aku !
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Raya yg tak terasa
Berlalulah sudah Ramadhan,
sebulan berpuasa,
tiba Syawal kita rayakan,
dgn rasa gembira..
Assalamualaikum,salam Aidilfitri.
Raya yg tak terasa.Itu la yg aku rasa skarang.Sbb aku dah makin besar ke rasa mcm tu? aku still dpt duit raya what.Makan kuih raya.Baju raya. So? apa yg tak terasa? Sbb assignment dgn test? Ntahlah,mungkin ada mempengaruhi sikit kut.
Makin lama,makin hilang rasa 'raya' tu. Bukan sbb kita dah mmbesar,tp sbb kita dah berevolusi.Hingga hilang suasana raya tu sendiri. Klau dulu,time aku kecik2 dulu,mlm puasa mmg riuh main dgn mmber2 dpn rumah atuk aku ni. Main mercun,aci kejar,aci denaso,aci nyorok dan bermcm jenis aci lagi. Budak2 zaman skarang ada ke buat bnda2 mcm tu? mercun pun bapak2 diorang yg main. Baik dorang masing2 duk rumah main Ps3.Kecik2 pun dah pandai online Facebook what.
Evolusi. Kalau dulu,dekat2 nk raya,sebok mntak alamat mmber2,sbb nk hntr kad raya. Kedai2 runcit penuh jual kad raya. Sekarang? Kalau dapat 1 dah bersyukur habis. (aku dapat 1 dari seorang sahabat dari Shah Alam,thanks a lot.Hargai sangat2).
Alternatif lain,sms. Mmg mudah,but forward punya forward,smpai 2 msg sama dari org yg bbeza. Itu pun yg rapat2 jela msg aku. Bukan aku xnk msg org lain dulu,tp saja nk test tgk siapa yg igt aku,siapa yg tak. Or maybe igt,just mls nk ucap2 nii.
Klau mmg aku nk wish,mmg aku wish smua number dlm contact list aku ni.Aku penah wat kerja gila hntar voicemail main lagu raya guna gitar kat smua mmber2.Bpe ringgit habis kat situ je. Tu klau aku betul2 nk ucap. But bila turn aku yg tggu,ada la bbrapa je yg masuk.Thanks a lot kpd yg wish tu.Aku hargai sgt2.
Now,semua beralih ke Facebook. Evo evo. Wallpost je. Cepat dan senang. Straight to the point.Tapi korang perasan tak apa yg missing kat sini? It's the process. Contoh paling mudah,kita tgk lemang jela. Klau dulu, atuk aku dgn Pakcik Meor,driver bas sekolah, mlm akhir Ramadhan,sure dorang bakar lemang sama2. Aku pun selalu follow dgn member2. Tengok dorang bakar lemang.Melangut dgn mmber2 dpn api lemang tu,bersembang pasal dragonball ke,power rangers ke,digimon ke. Now? beli jela tepi jalan. Janji dapat mkn lemang pagi raya. Proses tu dah hilang. Suasana tu dah hilang. Semua straight to the point. Korang nk ke mcm ni? Serius aku rindu suasana raya.Suasana raya yg dulu. Bukan sekarang.
We're getting closer to the time when Eid is just a plain celebration. Sesuatu yg kita xrasai. Hambar.Mcm nk buat cukup syarat je. Janji ada tu,janji ada ni. Sesuatu yg dah terlambat utk dipelihara, utk anak2 kita nnt.Sigh.
Disini aku ingin mngucapkan Selamat hari raya Aidilfitri kpd smua ahli keluarga,saudara-mara,sahabat handai,guru2 dan seluruh umat Islam.Ingin memohon maaf kalau2 ada terkasar bahasa,terumpat,terguris hati dan yg sewaktu dengannya.
Mudah-mudahan sambutan kemenangan kita ini diberkati Allah SWT.InsyaAllah.
P/s-Selamat mnyambut hari kemerdekaan gak.Merdeka !
Thursday, August 18, 2011
Run Away
I hope things will move fast.
Because I'm running,running,running away from it.
Time,please make your move !
I don't want to face the reality.
Hibernating for a long time.
Hope that it will gone on the next day,
when I wake up.
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
the Fishes
You will never know what happiness really is until you are truly loved
And you will never know what pain really is until you had lost it.
Sunday, August 14, 2011
Seri Iskandar GANGSTERR
Dah tgk blum KL Gangster? Best x? Aku pun xtgk lagi,tp dgr2nye sgt best. Ade je dlm hard disk ni xberusik.Keke.
Rite.Tamau cter psal KL gangster.Sbb ni nk crita pasal real event. Bukan setakat tgk anak Yusuf Haslam pakai tatoo 'chewing gum' dlm filem tu.
Okay,one day,aku naik motor dgn member aku. Tgh on the way,suddenly member aku pecut semacam. Hairan jugak la,tgk langit cerah je.Xde tanda2 nk hujan.Mne la taukan,mak dy suruh angkat kain ke.Xpun sambut anak kucing.Or tak tau la kot2 dy sakit perut ke apa.
"'Sreeeettt'' (sfx brake motor)
Then suddenly dy nk terlanggar kereta kancil yg ttbe2 kluar dari simpang. Aku yg kat belakang mmg terasa jugak la mcm nk mngucap time tu. Then mmber aku pecut lagi, terus masuk Taman Maju,kwsn perumahan aku.
Masih tak henti memecut.
Bila aku toleh belakang,rupa2nya kereta kancil tu kejar kitorang.
Then sampai depan taman permainan,driver kereta tu memekak suruh berhenti sambil hon xhenti2.
Member aku pun berhenti.Apa lg,keluar la driver kereta tu,direct pergi kat member aku and menjerit,
''Ko apehal kacau awek aku? ko nk mati ke ha?!''
Aku terkujat time tu.Yelah,aku igt dy marah sbb nk terlanggar kereta dy td.
''mana ada,aku xcontact dah awek ko,'' jwb mmber aku
''Pranngg !'' driver gangster tu ketuk visor helmet mmber aku.Gulp.Terdiam aku kat blakang.Tgk dlm kereta tu ada lagi 2-3 org.Kalau aku kne pukul,mmg naya la.Dgn badan aku yg sesangat slim ni,mmg MC 3-4 hari la jwbnya.
''ko xde org lain ke? ko nk @#*&% dgn awek aku ko kata xde apa2?! haa?!''
''aku nk uji dy je.Mana ada apa-apa......''
''Pranngg !'' sekali lg dy ketuk sekuat hati visor helmet mmber aku tu.Agak2,dh nk tercabut rasanya visor tu.
Then ttbe mamat gangster tu salam aku.
''ko xyah risau,ko xde pape masalah dgn aku.Kawan ko ni ha yg nk cari nahas''
Still,aku diam jela.Terasa awkward dgn situasi mcm tu.Then aku ckp,
''Bro,org kiri kanan nmpk ni.Karang dorang fikir ape lak..''
Then member aku ckp,''Lepas ni settle la,aku nk hntr kwn aku ni balik rumah dulu''
''Okay,tp kalau ko lari,nahas ko !''
Start motor,dy press sehabis laju lalu dpn rumah aku.Bayangkan,xda brake2,aku lompat terus dari motor dy yg laju tu.Perhh stunt abes time tu.
Siap opah aku pun terkejut tgk cucu dy jadi stuntman dpn rumah.Nasib baik aku terer landing dgn mencari center gravity badan sendiri *eceh2 bajet*
Esoknya,aku tya la mmber aku apa jadi lepas tu.
Dy kata dy pecut balik rumah,then call polis. Abg dy pun boleh jadi saksi. Mamat gangster tu siap keluarkan knuckle besi nk tumbuk member aku tu.
Lepas kne report polis,merayu dtg rumah mintak maaf,takut masuk lokap.Hek ele,bajet gangster,penakut gak.Mcm2 ragam manusia.
Settle mcm tu.Syukur gak aku xde adegan tumbuk-menumbuk and sepak-sepak menyepak.
Kalau tak,mmg dah keluar dah ilmu-ilmu silat aku ni semua *ahaha bajet2 >_
Thursday, August 11, 2011
Yes or No?
Sometimes,you don't even realize that there is a question,that you are the answer.
Sometimes,you don't even realize when,and to who you'd said NO, or YES.
Don't even realize the question that you had answered with those words.
But those words can bring a huge meaning for someone.
Maybe you think that this is not related to you.
Believe me,it really does.
Monday, August 8, 2011
Untung lee Iskandar..
Haa,East dah ade belog bheb !
he's my housemate,and classmate
ni mesti sbb influence aku neh..Header pun dah lebih kurang.. kekeke xD
Btw, sila2 la follow dy di http://eastacis.blogspot.com/
Kot2 pic aku termasuk sekali nnt :P
Saturday, August 6, 2011
Oleh kerana ramai yg post pasal puasa,aku pun nk try jugak la.Berkongsi situasi.
1st of all,puasa tahun ni lain dari tahun lepas,sbb dah jd NR (non-residental) ni. Berbuka mostly mkn Nasi Lemak.com kat depan casa ni jela.Bazaar ciput dpn tu agak jauh.Oleh kerana kemalasan yg melampau,malas nk menapak kesana.
Time-time puasa ni pulak,mmg terbyg2 nasi ayam makcik Zamrud sem 1 tu.Nasi ayam terbaik pernah aku makan.Tye jela mana2 budak yg pernah rasa.Sure ketagih.Tapi sekarang dah takde..sob sob T__T
Then terawih pulak.Kalau mlm2 free,takda assignment,boleh la ke Pusat Islam dlm kampus.Kalau tak pun,buat kat rumah jela.
Leceh sikit dgn guard Uitm ni. Iskandar (housemate aku) pakai baju smiley,boleh guard kata ''lain kali pakai baju sopan sikit''. Apedehal? Nak kne pakai plain kepe? Ni la org kata 'takda point cari point'.
Lastly,about balik raya.Tahun ni balik dgn maklang aku,dgn Haidhar sekali. Akmal pun Omar temankan,so okay la tu. Tak sabar pulak rasanya nk berbuka dgn Opah,Atok,and Iqa :D
Puasa tahun ni harap dpt mngubah diri aku yg malas ni supaya rajin sikit belajar,and rajin beribadat kepada Allah.Memperbnyakkan ibadah. Atleast,seminggu sekali kna baca Al-quran,xpun baca Yaasin.
Then mngurangkan aktiviti melihat kepop-kepop nih (dah berbuka boleh tak? keke).
Jaga mata,jaga lidah,jaga telinga,jaga hati.
Mudah-mudahan kita mendapat keberkatan dan keredhaan Allah SWT.
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
Sunday, July 31, 2011
Single is Cool?
Being single is very cool
You own your time
No obligations & expectations
No problems
You can do whatever you want to
Single is really cool
But I never said it was happy
-taken from Mazu's desktop wallpaper-
Thursday, July 28, 2011
Demam bola
So,officially Malaysia tersingkir tadi.Itsokay la team,korang dah wat yg terbaik.
Btw,terkejut x aku wat post pasal bola? Haa,maybe ada yg terkejut la.Sbb klau korang kenal aku btul2,aku ni mmg xbrapa suka sgt dgn sukan bernama 'Bola Sepak' ni.
Maybe korang boleh kata ''aneh'' sbb usually boys layan bola,minum bola,makan bola,minum bola,sepak bola dan kesemua kata2 adjektif lain yg ditambah dgn ''bola'' dibelakang.Even girls pun bnyk yg gila bola.Nak buat mcm mana en,dah tak minat.However,aku still update dgn berita2 pasal bola nih.Takla sampai ke tahap anti.
Maybe korang rasa aku xminat,sbb aku xreti.Kaki bangku.Ada betulnya tu.Kalau nak kata sbb aku ada athma,xjugak.Se-athma2 aku ni,dapat gak num 17 merentas desa form 5 dulu.Tapi,ada sbb aku xsuka sgt bola,or sukan padang,sukan berpasukan.
Okay,meh sini aku story 1 cerita.
A long time ago,masa aku darjah 6,aku minat sgt dgn hoki (walau dgn badanku yg sgt slim ini).Beli la gak kayu hoki,shinguard,bola hoki semata-mata nk main hoki time koku,and main kat rumah sorang2.Then,aku xtau ada selection utk jadi wakil sekolah.Bygkan,hari last selection dari berhari2 tu baru aku dtg.
Time selection atas padang,maybe dah rezeki,aku jd org pertama yg cikgu select.Happy la gak,xsangka budak xfemes dlm sukan sekolah mcm aku boleh dapat.Plus,cikgu susun aku jd striker team lagi tu.HOHO xD
Tapi apa yg mengecewakan,time match.Aku duk luar pdg.Cikgu ganti aku dgn org lain.Waktu tu mmg kecewa habis T_T
Sebab apa? sebab budak2 asrama time tu amatlah ''perkauman''. Seriously. Dorang pujuk cikgu singkirkan aku,masukkan geng2 dorang.Nice x?
Tapi dapat gak la aku merasa masuk padang,tu pun half-time.Okay2,fair enough.Aku xlah salahkan cikgu.Nak salahkan budak2 tu pulak,nama pun budak2.Darjah 6.Biasa la benda2 mcm tu.
Tapi impaknya kat aku sampai dah besar ni.Bila sebut je pasal sukan padang,mmg aku xberapa gemar.Imagine,benda yg korang suka sgt2,then ttbe korang kne back stabbed.Smpai ke sekolah menengah,aku xpegang langsung kayu hoki.
Frustrated.And mengakibatkan permanent-psychological disorder kat aku =_=''
Nak kata sampai ke tahap phobia tu xlah,tapi quite xsuka.
Bek layan k-pop.HAHA xD
Monday, July 25, 2011
Excited tak kena tempat
Hooray,dapat LIKE dari ''dia'' ! apa yg nk excited sgt? eyh,excited la klau org tu crushed kte en en en..
tp mcm ape je.bukan ade ape pun.like seketul pun nk excited.Aigoo =_=''
tp mcm ape je.bukan ade ape pun.like seketul pun nk excited.Aigoo =_=''
nk banding dgn brape status dy dah aku like. urhh,malu sungguh rasanya.. wait a sec,cerita lama nk cerita balik kepe aku nii.. okay2 cut it off
btw,ni nk share status ni.dari sorang kawan facebook.tak tau la dia copy-paste mana2,or create sendiri.But sgt ermm,what's the words eh to describe.. ''menarik'' maybe? sbb ramai yg akan terasa dgn status ni.Termasuklah aku ni haa T_T
here it is:
kredit to tuan punya status ni,sorry curi xbgtau :D
Haa,amacam? terasa x? kalau tak terasa en,korang antara manusia yg beruntung sbb xmerasa unrequited <3 mcm aku ni.. Eottokajo,things had passed.Silap aku jugak actually..aku yang.... (dah mula dah cerita lama =_='' cut it off Awie)
Okay2,tu jelah.Tamau lebih2,kang jebik lak.Salam semua.Titik noktah.
Friday, July 22, 2011
Perhhhh,dah lame xupdate.SO aku rasa mcm nk menaip dlm malay.ya know.mlas nk menggoggle translate sini dan sana.
Haa,pasal awal sem.Macam biasa lah kan,klau korang ade terbaca pasal entry2 yg terdahulu,sure perasan pasal ''masalah awal sem''.Camtu gak utk sem 3 ni. Ya Allah,burden dy serius terasa.Dengan lab report,3 killer MEC subjek..
Then tests,.hmm sangat menyayat hati. Dynamic,dari 4 soalan.Just bole jawab 2.Dah la 40 markah.2 tu pun blum tntu betul.Strength lagi lah jgn crite.Semua pakat muka emo kuar dari dewan (time tu guna kelas je actually)
Tetiba cuti sem ! Hoorayy ! Hoorayy lah sangat,dgn ASSignment merata.And dikala aku menaip ni,satu apa pun xbuat lagi.NIce x? =_=
Haa,pasal awal sem.Macam biasa lah kan,klau korang ade terbaca pasal entry2 yg terdahulu,sure perasan pasal ''masalah awal sem''.Camtu gak utk sem 3 ni. Ya Allah,burden dy serius terasa.Dengan lab report,3 killer MEC subjek..
Then tests,.hmm sangat menyayat hati. Dynamic,dari 4 soalan.Just bole jawab 2.Dah la 40 markah.2 tu pun blum tntu betul.Strength lagi lah jgn crite.Semua pakat muka emo kuar dari dewan (time tu guna kelas je actually)
Tetiba cuti sem ! Hoorayy ! Hoorayy lah sangat,dgn ASSignment merata.And dikala aku menaip ni,satu apa pun xbuat lagi.NIce x? =_=
Xde smgt weh.Adoiyai.Tataww la camne mau buat neh.Kalau smgt aku equal dgn smgt aku buat game MUGEN,for sure bnyk kerja siap+test pun boleh score.
SO,sape2 yg baca.I do hope korang doakan aku ni supaya lembut hati sikit utk berubah.Jadi rajin sikit.
Titik noktah !
SO,sape2 yg baca.I do hope korang doakan aku ni supaya lembut hati sikit utk berubah.Jadi rajin sikit.
Titik noktah !
Sunday, June 19, 2011
Friday, June 17, 2011
The hardest part
When you cry a river,but nobody notices you tears,
When you scream out loud,but nobody hear,
When you think everyone cares,but you're alone with fear,
When you really need someone,but nobody appear
When you hope it will finish,and the end is near
But the same thing happen,year by year,
Listen to this,lend me your ear,
This is the hardest part,endure it my dear -AwieAGC,2011
p/s:Don't forget to use the APA referencing if you want to copy this.LOL :P
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
Anonymous:Operation Malaysia
SO,do you know that there is a group.A hacking group called Anonymous that want to hack Malaysian Government site?
Their reason is because our government is way too strict in blocking sites.Such sites that had been blocked are Megaupload,Pirates Bay,WikiLeaks,Filestube and more.
They believe that we as internet users should have the freedom to surf the internet.And they think that their action will teach our government a lesson.
BUT,this is actually really dangerous for us.As they enter our gov. site,they can do whatever they want,and worst,they can delete all Malaysian citizen identification !
Listen to this
read more from the Star Online
UPDATED:Anonymous on TV3
Their reason is because our government is way too strict in blocking sites.Such sites that had been blocked are Megaupload,Pirates Bay,WikiLeaks,Filestube and more.
They believe that we as internet users should have the freedom to surf the internet.And they think that their action will teach our government a lesson.
BUT,this is actually really dangerous for us.As they enter our gov. site,they can do whatever they want,and worst,they can delete all Malaysian citizen identification !
Listen to this
read more from the Star Online
UPDATED:Anonymous on TV3
Monday, June 13, 2011
About ‘’AgentC’’
Plug in Nell songs,suddenly feels like a dejavu. No,it’s not a dejavu,cos it really does happen many times.This thing.This current situation that happen.
If you ever wondered, what the heck actually ‘’AgentC’’ (my friend Aman gave me that name) is,here is the answer.
Back in high school,I work as a ‘’love agent’’,sort of.Funny isn’t it? Many friends that I helped out. Some successful, but some didn’t.
But most of the relationship didn’t last long.Maybe it’s because they’re too young at that time.Or maybe using the ‘’third person’’ isn’t really a good idea.
Well atleast,they still get the girl that they want right? Even for a short period. And the responsibility to take care of the relationship is on them. Not me.
You know, worked as ‘’AgentC’’ is really fun. Flirting girls for other people. Sometimes, I didn’t tell my friend that I helped him.
But you know what’s the bitter part of it? When the ‘’target girl’’ is the girl that I like. Not ‘really’ like,just ‘quite’ like.Get it? You’d probably already know who’s the girl that I ‘’really’’ like in high school,and thanks to god that no one asked me to tackle her.
And those questions that I really hate to answer. ‘’You helped me, but why you don’t have a girlfriend? Why don’t you flirt one for yourself?’’
The answer is ‘’ I just don’t feel like it’’. Guess what, I lied.
Because actually, I really doesn’t know how to flirt a girl for my own self. You can see the prove right now right? It’s not that I didn’t try.
Even that I didn’t worked as ‘’the AgentC’’ anymore, I still like to use that name till now. It’s quite cool.Hehehh.
Want me to help you? Just contact me okay ! And I’ll reconsider to work, depends on how much you’ll pay..kekeke :P
If you ever wondered, what the heck actually ‘’AgentC’’ (my friend Aman gave me that name) is,here is the answer.
Back in high school,I work as a ‘’love agent’’,sort of.Funny isn’t it? Many friends that I helped out. Some successful, but some didn’t.
But most of the relationship didn’t last long.Maybe it’s because they’re too young at that time.Or maybe using the ‘’third person’’ isn’t really a good idea.
Well atleast,they still get the girl that they want right? Even for a short period. And the responsibility to take care of the relationship is on them. Not me.
You know, worked as ‘’AgentC’’ is really fun. Flirting girls for other people. Sometimes, I didn’t tell my friend that I helped him.
But you know what’s the bitter part of it? When the ‘’target girl’’ is the girl that I like. Not ‘really’ like,just ‘quite’ like.Get it? You’d probably already know who’s the girl that I ‘’really’’ like in high school,and thanks to god that no one asked me to tackle her.
And those questions that I really hate to answer. ‘’You helped me, but why you don’t have a girlfriend? Why don’t you flirt one for yourself?’’
The answer is ‘’ I just don’t feel like it’’. Guess what, I lied.
Because actually, I really doesn’t know how to flirt a girl for my own self. You can see the prove right now right? It’s not that I didn’t try.
Even that I didn’t worked as ‘’the AgentC’’ anymore, I still like to use that name till now. It’s quite cool.Hehehh.
Want me to help you? Just contact me okay ! And I’ll reconsider to work, depends on how much you’ll pay..kekeke :P
Saturday, June 11, 2011
Welcome new blogger !
Grats to Daus Saldi for making blogger account and started blogging ! Do follow him guys ! :D
Monday, June 6, 2011
New crush? TOTALLY LOL
The new Dynamics lecturer !
Hahaa..Don't know why but she looks really sweet,with that smile and laugh.And the way she talks.
Okay,she's ''Puan'' already.
LOL,it's not that I'd gone crazy to flirt someone else wife,and she's far older than me.I'm still sane =_=''
Its just that I like that type of woman.Get it? That TYPE,not that WOMAN.I still can think logically la korang.
She reminds me of ''her''.Maybe that's the reason.For sure.
P/s: Puan,do you have a younger sister? >_<
Sunday, June 5, 2011
Childish Elder
We we're swimming in the pool today,when suddenly a pakcik,around 50-60 years old come and said;
Pakcik: Is this the first time all of you use swimming pool? Don't you ever read the instruction? your cloth isn't suitable. That the reason the swimming pool easily get dirty even we're the smallest in this area.
Zaim: But this is the first time we ever use HERE pakcik.
Pakcik :I don't care whether this is your first time or not but don't you know that your apparel is not for swimming in this type of pool? It's suitable for you all to swim in lombong,paya,tangki najis.What floor you all lived at? what room?
Noa: 20 (he lied)
I was reading the instruction at that time and THERE IS NO INSTRUCTION OF SUITABLE CLOTHING IN THE LIST ! and I never ever being scold wearing a plain t-shirt in any swimming pool I'd ever swim at! It's not that we're wearing a dirty shirt.
Okay,maybe we're wrong.But Pakcik,don't you ever have any manners to talk or to scold us? I know,we're young.But I don't think elder have the right to said harsh words to us.Or yes,you're rich.We're not.That ''Castle Prima'' is yours. But does it makes you think that you're really that good to say those thing to us? macam hina sangat kitorang ni mandi loji najis.
Watabak.Childish Elder.Thank you for your friendly advice.
Reality of Realities: Alhamdulillah
Dunia ini penuh dengan kenyataan yang memedihkan.
Tetapi akan sentiasa ada ruang untuk kita mengucap Alhamdulillah sebagai tanda syukur pada Ilahi.
Syukur dengan apa yang telah dikurniakan.
Manusia akan sentiasa melihat kekurangan diri, dengan melihat kelebihan manusia yang lain.
Sepatutnya kita perlu melihat kelebihan yang dikurniakan kepada kita,dengan kekurangan yang ada pada manusia lain.
''walaupun aku 'itu',sekurang-kurangnya aku 'ini'... ''
Kerana tiada manusia dilahirkan sempurna.
Dan insan yang menganggap dirinya sempurna tidak akan terlepas dari kelemahan dirinya sendiri.
Iaitu sikap ego yang melampau.
Jadi,bersyukurlah dengan apa yang telah dikurniakan.
Saturday, May 28, 2011
Reality of realities:Every Villains Is Lemon (EVIL)
the ''back-explosion'' pose
Do you still remember? when we're young..watching Power Rangers,when suddenly the villains win in the end of the episode,the robot malfunctioning,the evil laughed,then it stated ''to be continued...''. What were our reactions? Oh no! Power Rangers failed to save our world ! What will happen !?
But the next week,our heroes come with a new,bigger,better,faster,stronger,cuter robot and beat up evil to the ground with the finishing pose, the '' back-explosion'' hero pose.
Okay,that is fiction.As I grow up.I suddenly realize that in reality,evil usually wins.Bad guys have the luck.
Yes,there are always justice protecting us. But still, it is not enough to stop these nonsense.These bad things around us.Just look how bad Israel is,and what the world do to them? Nothing.Lack of evidence? I don't think so.
Don't you ever wondered? why some 'bad' people around you have a better life than you? Bad in term of akhlak and akidah.Corrupted.Joli sana-sini tak ingat dunia,but live unharmed. Success in life. Why? Why not you? Why them?
That's a question that I believe the answer lies in our own beliefs.That is a test from Allah. A test for them,that lives in neglect. And a test for us. Whether we want to follow their footsteps or not.
No cool,Im sorry
p/s: for eng sub,view it on Youtube,and toggle the subtitle icon
Friday, May 27, 2011
Itaewon Freedom Holiday !
What an epic holiday.
Kuala Lumpur:
Times Square,watching Fast Five,shopping for shirts.BB plaza,Pavilion.Lot 10.Low Yat.
Ampang Point,hangout with Aliya and her friend Meera (1st time I saw them face-to-face,not just facebook-to-facebook),shopping,bowling,Lunch at Santai.And thanks again for the present !
Malacca :
Stayed at Gin's house.Went to chineese pasar malam.Hangout around Malacca city.Do some parody with Noa.Jonker street,to the beach,snapping pics,spamming Nizar,Aman,Qila and Wanie walls,some suspense actions,and yes,the Kelebang Coconut Shake !
Went to school,meet teachers (Im still popular among juniors..keke).Bump into Nurakmal at JJ twice,in a different day (is she go to JJ everyday? huhuhh -,-),ate steamboat at the Johnny,watching Priest,bowling (team Aman,Awie,Gin beat up Azman,Nizar,Zany with the difference of 4 pins..wohooo!),fishing,BBQ night at Noa's house,jamming session.And Alhamdulillah,still maintain my pointer.Thanks to Fakhi for the prayer :D
Will miss this holiday so much ! Thanks guys for the time !
p/s:Itaewon freedom refers to Awie,Noa and Amir ! keke
Saturday, May 21, 2011
There she goes,there she goes again.
Such a pain right? When we really want something that we really can't get,even we tried so hard.
Like a hologram.Seems really real.Seems solid.Seems so near.But how hard we try,we can't grab it.It is just a clear illusion.
What really add the salt to the wound is those support from people around us.Friends,family.
But the fact still remain fact.Fiction still remain fiction.And a wish is not the reality.We can't change it.
At the end,the only thing that we can do is saying 'let it be'.Such a helpless person.But that's the reality of realities.What makes the difference is how much a person can endure it.Still,pain is still pain.
Although there's no blood flowing from our heart.
Friday, May 20, 2011
Reblog:13 alasan tipikal wanita enggan menutup aurat
This is so true.I dare each person who didn't cover their aurat to read this until the end!
Salam A'laik. Pernah nasihat dan tegur kawan-kawan anda yang tidak menutup aurat? Jom kita tengok apakah alasan yang selalu digunakan wanita yang enggan menutup aurat apabila ditegur kesalahan mereka itu. Dan apa jawapan yang mungkin sesuai untuk mereka.
1. Semua yang tutup aurat, kompom masuk syurga ke?
-Yang pasti, tak tutup aurat, kompom masuk neraka.
2. Tudung labuh pun macam baik sangat. Buat dosa jugak. Mengumpat orang.
-Bila Iblis tak mahu ikut perintah Allah untuk bersujud kepada Adam, dia menyalahkan perintah Allah itu. "Apahal pulak aku kena sujud, aku lebih baik dan mulia". Samalah dengan tudung. Tudung pula yang disalahkan, " pakai tudung tak mestinya baik..bla...bla...bla..."
3. Macamlah kau bagus sangat nak tegur aku. Kau dulu lagi jahat nak mampos.
-Tidak tersabit larangan dari Nabi untuk seseorang yang bahkan baru masuk Islam untuk pergi berdakwah kepada kaumnya. Maksudnya, dakwah itu tuntutan. Selagi kau Islam, dakwah tu wajib walaupun kau sendiri tak berapa betul. Sekurang-kurang dia insaf dan bertaubat sekarang.
4. Walau kami pakai seksi tapi hati kami baik.
-Adakah kau mendakwa diri kau mempunyai hati yang suci, iman yang tinggi dan kononnya ia sudah cukup menjamin maruah diri kau tanpa perlu menutup aurat?
5. Pakai jarang ke ketat ke, itu hak kami. Kalau tak suka jangan tengok.
-Adakah kau berani menjamin bahawa semua lelaki ajnabi mempunyai hati suci dan iman yang tinggi untuk menahan godaan syaitan serta nafsu yang membuak-buak?
6. Kami rasa apa yang kami pakai tak seksi. Terpulang kepada individu yang memandang kami.
-Seksi atau tidak, kau tetap berdosa walaupun hanya menayang sehelai rambut kau.
7. Walau kami tak bertudung, kami tetap sembahyang dan puasa.
-Apakah ibadat kau diterima? Kau yakin cuma dengan berpuasa sudah cukup untuk menjamin kau masuk syurga?
8. Sukahati kamilah nak pakai macam ni. Kami tak susahkan hidup orang lain.
-Kau sebenarnya dah susahkan bapa, abang, adik, suami serta orang lain dengan menarik mereka ke neraka bersama kau disebabkan mereka tidak menegur dan gagal mendidik kau.
9. Apa yang kami pakai, ini antara kami dengan Tuhan.
-Berani cakap di dunia, berani ke kau cakap macam tu depan Allah nanti? Lawan perintah Allah, Neraka tempatnya.
10. Kami pakai seksi macam ni, sebab ikut arahan photographer/pengarah filem untuk disesuaikan dalam scene. (ayat artis)
-Sanggup patuh arahan mereka daripada patuh suruhan Allah?
11. Bukan kami tak mahu menutup aurat, cuma masih belum sampai seru.
-Mati tidak mengenal usia. Tak takut ke mati dalam usia muda? Tak sempat nak bertaubat nanti.
12. Takkan nak buat perubahan secara drastik? Slow-slow la..
-Boleh ke cakap kat Malaikat Izrail nanti, tunggu kejap! Lepak la dulu. Jangan ambil lagi nyawa aku.
13. Tutup aurat tu bagus tapi kami tidak mahu hipokrit kerana tidak ikhlas melakukannya.
-Kalau begitu kau sebenarnya memang hipokrit kerana tidak ikhlas beragama Islam.
*Taken from www.solihinzubir.com*
Thursday, May 19, 2011
3 things you need to remember when you see pretty girls
When you go anywhere,.park,malls etc.Or even walking in your school or university,.You'll surely bump into pretty girls that catch your eyes (if you're a girl,then it will be handsome boy).
And by any chance,you started to think ''ehh,so pretty la this girl.I think I want to flirt her!''
Better STOP! and remember this 3 Awie and Noa's principles !
First,if you think she is pretty,remember that you're not the first one to notice that.There are hundreds of people,or maybe thousands that already know her,add her as friend in FB,have their contact number,and label her as PRETTY! you're not the only one lah!
Secondly,if you think that you can flirt and get her,remember that there are hundreds men that already try to flirt that girl.And most of it FAILED ! And there are even mens that far more handsome and have more money than you tried to get her.What's the point of trying if the percentage of success is really-really small! It'll be a waste of time :P
And third,if you think she is pretty,remember that most of pretty girl already have a boyfriend ! the words ''sorry,ive already have a boyfriend..'' can really dig a large hole in your heart ! xD
so don't bother trying !
(If all men adhere those principles,then I'll go to number 4,Aman's principle)
''If all men follow your 3 principles,then there will be no men flirting.I'll be the only one ! and surely I can get that pretty girl ! For sure !''
LOL ;3
Sunday, May 15, 2011
Glad that I found Nell!
Ohmoo Nell! Daebak Nell! Saranghae Nell! (erhh? =_='')
The 1st song I listen already captivated my heart (Nell-51 minutes ago).This is music! This is pure modern-rock band! They really shows that Korean can rock-on too!
Damn,how come I didn't notice their song in my lappy before -,-
I miss Coldplay,Keane,H.I.M.,Travis a lot. And suddenly I found them. Chilling,rock-ballad,great lyrics,unique music arrangement.PERFECT.This is my type of song!
But it sad though.They ain't that famous worldwide.Trust me,they should be more famous than Ft Island and CNBlue.I'm number 23 to like their fanpage on Facebook.Ksatriya,my friend number 24. =_=
Sigh,their group page have only 558 members.
They just didn't have the chance to show what they are really made of,and how talented they are.They ain't miming on stage.Their vocalist,Kim Jong Wan is really-really talented.He's the band guitar and keyboard player.Gifted with a beautiful voice,and how he really can composed, as well as write lyrics of their songs.He also once awarded as the best lyricist in Korea!
They just didn't have the chance to show what they are really made of,and how talented they are.They ain't miming on stage.Their vocalist,Kim Jong Wan is really-really talented.He's the band guitar and keyboard player.Gifted with a beautiful voice,and how he really can composed, as well as write lyrics of their songs.He also once awarded as the best lyricist in Korea!
Here are some comments from Youtube:
And some comments from Facebook:
LOL Ksatriya! >_<
I'm not saying that I hate FT Island and CNBLUE.I like both of them.But they really should have the quality of Nell.How they play,and how they perform.How much immersed their feelings in each of their live performance.Come on YG ent,show us they really can reach Nell's level! Not just selling their pretty face on stage!
Here some of their songs,hope you like it,and listen it with your heart.Judge them based on their quality,not popularity.If you don't like it,it's okay :)
Everyone can relate to this song lyric.And the last part of the song is the best :)
If you have ex-gf or ex-bf,this song probably will make you cry :')
If you love Coldplay,you would love this.Now this is quality.
What is blogger actually?
What is blogger.com actually? Site where you can share your interest? Write something about yourself? Personal sharing diaries? One of the way for easy money?
Without notice,suddenly they make maintenance and shut the site for while.Is it a loss to you?
For me,blogger is a site where I officially can talk to my self.Sounds silly eh? Yes,I'm sharing my interest,or my own story,but I didn't actually write here to get many followers,or to be famous by blogging.But still I appreciate you,my dear followers and readers.
Maybe there are some people saying ''Hey,your way of writing is bad.And all your post is boring''.It simple,if you don't like it,then don't read it.
If they shut the site down,I don't think it's a big loss to me.Maybe because I'm not active in blogging.4 to 5 posts per month.Or maybe because I didn't generate any money by blogging.Nuffnang or whatsoever.
But still,I will miss reading my friends blog,seriously.This is the only way for me to feel closer to them and get to know them more post by post.
Monday, May 9, 2011
Shut Up!
Okay,once again.About mother's day.Some say niat tidak menghalalkan cara.But some say its okay,as long as we didn't cross the line.
So,what should we do? Who should we believe? Lets just leave it to someone who expert in hukum Syarak,expert in AlQuran+hadith+sunnah.
The best thing for us to do is to shut our mouth! Unless you're brave enough to come up with your own fatwa.
Read here for more details on hukum meraikan sambutan hari ibu.
Sunday, May 8, 2011
Banned from Oh! Media
LOL,I manage to put so much 'load' on Oh! Media till they can't support the 'tension' anymore!
Okey,the story started when Umar Hakim (my friend in Uitm) post a note from Oh! Islam FB page.The note stated that it is HARAM for muslim to celebrate Mother's day,and they put the reasons why.
So,we're just have some small debate.I said that it is not wrong.If we didn't take it religiously,I don't think it's wrong.Even in CTU,we learned that Islamic civilization are flexible when it comes to good things from other civilization.We can take some of them as long as it didn't contrast with aqidah and syarak.BUT! Im not saying that my words are true.Lets Allah decide's whether our action is wrong or right.
But later on,Oh! Media,which is under one roof with Oh! Islam post this on their wall...
click to enlarge.. and see my comment there
And SUDDENLY! they posted this...
and,I also commented something like this..
''Kali ni Oh! media kena tibai habis-habis.Selalu dorang je tibai org.Huho best best''
And finally,they answered something like this..
''Kami post apa yg kami rasa benar....''and bla bla bla
At the end,they banned me from their page! hooray! >_< what a success!
For those who doesn't know,Oh! Media is one of the best internet based money making company in Malaysia.Their blog have so many followers and their FB page have more than 200,000 likers!
They always have interesting story to share with Malaysians.But when it comes to things like this.I don't know what else to say.
And those comments,we really don't know who is right and who is wrong.Some of the comments..
''Niat xmenghalalkan cara.Contohnya minum arak niat utk hilangkan dahaga.Adakah itu halal?'' (nawwaitu still doesn't make haram turns to halal)
''Tak salah smbut klau diterapkan nilai2 keislaman..''
Whether Mother's day can be celebrate by muslims or not,I really don't have the right to say anything.
Aku pun bukannya pandai sgt bidang hukum-hakam ni.Sometimes,the best thing to do is to keep silent :)
But what I know now is that ''Oh! Oh!'' should stop posting things like this,that will make their followers confuse.Next time,please be considerate.
Saturday, May 7, 2011
Mama and grandma's day
Today is mother's day.Cos there's no grandmother's day,I just put it as today too.Love them both.Sharina Binti Shaari,the person who gave birth to me,and Noorain Binti Shariman,the person who took care of me till today.
Don't play-play with my opah,she used to teach English,and love to watch Korean dramas such as Boys over flower and Autumn in my heart.And my mother,she listen to updated English and korean songs! Super Junior,4minute,Girl's Generation and many more! :D
Happy mama-grandma day for both of you, and all other mama around the world!
We love you! <3
Saturday, April 30, 2011
2nd semester:Static-minded
5.15pm marks the end of the 2nd semester. Hmm.. what should I say about this sem? Nothing much.Quite adventurous maybe.With killer subject like Statics and the early sem problems.Learn how to use machines.Alhamdulillah,everything turns out to be fine.
Well at least it's the time for me to relax for a month.
Wait a sec,there are still works for me.Teach my sister mathematics (she will sit for UPSR examination this year) and composing ZR new song,''Experiment''.Insyaallah,this song will be fully composed in May.Fully techno-pop type songs,so there's no guitar and drum.Hope that it will turn out well.
Friday, April 29, 2011
Total shiznit
1st of all,I really don't know the meaning of shiznit.Found the word in Grownup movie.But that word really suits my ''what the heyl =_='' feelings about the scenario that happen to our music industry today.
Okay-okay,I admit.I'm not listening to local songs nowadays.So,I'm quite noob about the latest malay songs,artists and stuff.But what I found a few days ago really-really makes me think that malaysian music industry had gone mad!
Malay boy group,24:7.''The 1st ever Malaysian Kpop group''.. LOL,everybody know what's that K stand for.It is KOREAN! After being bash by thousand of haters,the admin suddenly stated that the K stand for ''KEINDAHAN''.. what kind of LOL is that? SO,it will be ''the 1st Malaysian KEINDAHAN-POP group''? is it? with members pose like Super Junior,wearing black jacket.Showing their unshaped body.And even use name like Taemin.Gyahhhhhh! WTFH is that?!
Then comes Gula-gula group.Wonder girl/4minutes wannabe.Okay,they quite honest.They already stated that they want to be k-pop type group.
But sigh.You'd better check out their fan page.Malay girls,wearing hot pants,tight shirt.They even stated that ''sexy takda masalah,asalkan tidak melampaui batas''.Hey ahjumma.. siapa yg tentukan hukum Allah sekarang ni? korang ke? so wearing sexy isnt a sin as long as you're not TOO sexy?
Please,Malaysian is Malaysian.Stick to our identity and be proud with it.There's no need to be a copycat to be famous.Its just show how lame our country are.These things is not our culture as a malay.Just take the quality of Korean music,not copying their image.Its really doesn't suits us.
Condemn,because I'm concern.
Friday, April 22, 2011
Today is before
Week before,is our last class for this semester.We're having fun with the karaoke competition,and the foods.I and Ardy even won the competition.But today is a week after.
There's a day,when I came back to UiTM,to continue my 2nd semester of study.But today,I've got only 1 weeks left as a sem 2 student.
There's a day,when I send my friend,Aman to Matrikulasi Gopeng.But today,he is already an ex-student there.
There's a day when I never think about future and what will I be.But today,everyday is about thinking.Thinking about the future and the preparation that I've made till now.Am I really capable to go through? or wasn't I.
Future is ahead, as today will be yesterday.And even the moment you read this is history.Is it really true that time is tide and wait for no man? Then,I wish I was a girl.
Saturday, April 16, 2011
Cyborg She
One of the best J-movie I'd ever watched.This is pure sci-fi love story! And the actress,Haruka Ayase.Perh comel gler! (extremely cute!)
I don't want to step into reality anymore! >_<
Unique story,nice ending,everything is perfect.I don't know about you,but this movie really make me quite emo (still emo right now T_T)
For those who didn't watch it yet,better watch this trailer 1st.Whether you like the trailer or not, im forcing you to download and watch the movie right now!
Saturday, April 2, 2011
Create a boring in a metal block
Urghh.. what a boring weekend.. ottokajo?
1.Facebook.Wait for notifications and IMs
2.Downloading new songs from Soompi K-pop weekly chart.Hunt for ballad songs.
3.Playing Osu,till my eye get out from its socket.
4.Watch movies in my hardisk.Just finish Girl from Hell:Mitsuganai anime.Such a sad ending T_T
6.Getting updated with k-pop news (especially SNSD <3)
5.Editing pics (but currently run out of new pics =_='')
7.FL Studio.Try something new.Compose new song etc
8.Study? maybe a little..huhuhh
9.Eat? 0_0
10.Sleep! H-yeah! >_<
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