Friday, May 24, 2013

A Diploma Story, Episode 0: Time Spent Walking Through Memories

I am afraid. Each time I click on this orange-B sign, I feel really afraid, and sad.

Because the only thing that will cross my mind, is about past memories. And as my finger dancing on this keyboard, I feel that my mind becoming numb and dull. Feels like I'm forcing my fingers to move, to write here.

This feeling, it is the same as when I'm leaving my beloved high school.

It feels like, watching the last episode of a very good drama series. You know it's the last episode, and you just hope that time would move slower, so that you can enjoy the very last moment of it. 

And when it's over, you will be asking ''Is that it? I need more.''  

3 years had passed and I'd already finish my diploma in Mechanical Engineering at UiTM Pulau Pinang. Too many things happen, too many things that I had learn. And now, It's a bitter time for me to say goodbye to friends, lecturers, Casa Prima, and UiTM Pulau Pinang. Arigatou..Sayonara..


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